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Community Story

The Pacific Parachute Company

  • Business
  • Labor
  • Military
  • Segregation & Community Building, 1890-1945
Photograph of Workers at the Pacific Parachute Company

Howard “Skippy” Smith

Howard “Skippy” Smith (left) and Mac “Skip” Gravelle, ca. 1939

Howard “Skippy” Smith (left) and Mac “Skip” Gravelle, ca. 1939

This is an hour of crisis. It is a crisis of democracy. . . . What is this crisis? To American Negroes, it is the denial of jobs in Government defense projects. It is racial discrimination in Government departments. It is widespread Jim Crowism in the armed forces of the Nation. 

A. Philip Randolph, issuing the call for a march on Washington, 1941

Democracy in Action

Executive Order 8802, “Fair Employment Practice in Defense Industries”

Executive Order 8802, “Fair Employment Practice in Defense Industries”

Success and Change

Workers building panels for Douglas A-26 Invader aircraft, Pacific Parachute Company, Los Angeles, ca. 1945

Workers building panels for Douglas A-26 Invader aircraft, Pacific Parachute Company, Los Angeles, ca. 1945

A photograph of an African American woman washing laundry outdoors in a yard. Clothes hand behind her on a line.
Historic Event

Atlanta Washerwomen Strike

In 1881 Washerwomen in Atlanta formed a union and went on strike to demand better wages. Learn about the harsh conditions they faced and how they won.

  • Organizations
Portrait of Bridget "Biddy" Mason

Bridget “Biddy” Mason

Entrepreneur and philanthropist Bridget “Biddy” Mason helped to establish the First African Methodist Episcopal Church of Los Angeles.

  • Land
Cover image of "Contending Forces: A Romance Illustrative of Negro Life North and South"

Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins

Literary author and editor Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins used the power of the press to challenge society’s assumptions about Black women.

  • Women's Voices