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Historic Event

Atlanta Washerwomen Strike

  • Activism
  • Business
  • Economics
  • Labor
  • Organizations
  • Women's Voices
  • Civil War & Reconstruction, 1860-1890
A photograph of an African American woman washing laundry outdoors in a yard. Clothes hand behind her on a line.


Washerwoman in Suwanee, Florida, ca. 1902

Washerwoman in Suwanee, Florida, ca. 1902

Unfair Conditions

Women doing washing, Jefferson County, Florida

Women doing washing, Jefferson County, Florida

"We Mean Business... or No Washing"


Wash pot used by Manda Caldwell and her daughter Susan Caldwell McGill


Wash pot used by Manda Caldwell and her daughter Susan Caldwell McGill

Article from The Washington Star about the Atlanta washerwomen’s strike, August 9, 1881

Winning Better Wages

Woman washing laundry near Augusta, Georgia

Woman washing laundry near Augusta, Georgia

We the members of our society, are determined to stand to our pledge and make extra charges for washing... and are willing to pay $25 or $50 for licenses as a protection, so we can control the washing for the city.

Atlanta Washing Society Members, 1881

Photograph of Louis Manigault, Jr. in a field
Present to Past

Land as Legacy

African Americans who inherited land from their ancestors are fighting to keep their land and family legacies.

  • Discrimination
Black and White Photograph of standing students

Vivian Carter Mason

Social worker, educator, and civil rights activist Vivian Carter Mason worked across racial lines to fight for equal education in Norfolk, Virginia.

  • Organizations
Photograph of Workers at the Pacific Parachute Company
Community Story

The Pacific Parachute Company

Skydiving entrepreneur Howard “Skippy” Smith founded one of the first Black-owned and managed war production plants during World War II.

  • Business