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African Cultural Astronomy

African Legacies: Myth, Symbols, and Storytelling

African Cultural Astronomy

Kashf al-Ghummah fi Nafa al-Ummah (The Important Stars Among the Multitude of the Heavens), 1733

Kashf al-Ghummah fi Nafa al-Ummah (The Important Stars Among the Multitude of the Heavens), 1733

Egyptian deities, Dogon myths, and Yoruba orishas are the most referenced sources for Afrofuturist art. Egyptian technology and Dogon star studies in particular often form the basis of Afrofuturist lore, art, and spectacle.

Ytasha Womack, 2013


Masked Ceremonial Dogon Dancers near Sangha, Mali

Masked Ceremonial Dogon Dancers near Sangha, Mali

Colonial Afrofuturist

Portrait of Benjamin Banneker from the front cover of the “Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia almanac, for the year of our Lord 1795.”

Portrait of Benjamin Banneker from the front cover of the “Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia almanac, for the year of our Lord 1795.”

Benjamin Banneker

Banneker’s Almanack and Ephemeris for the Year of Our Lord 1793

Banneker’s Almanack and Ephemeris for the Year of Our Lord 1793

Benjamin Banneker’s Almanac